How to Exit your PRYPCO Blocks Investment?

Whether you are a seasoned investor or new to the world of digital real estate investments, understanding how to manage your portfolio is crucial.

We will break down everything you need to know about liquidating your investments with بريبكو بلوكس: through our exit windows and how you can strategically approach Dubai real estate investments with a strong real estate exit strategy.

But first:

Why should you hold onto your Blocks?

Real estate is often seen as a long-term investment because properties tend to appreciate over time. By holding onto your Blocks, you are positioning yourself to benefit from potential increases in property value as well as any rental income generated by the property. Particularly in the dynamic Dubai real estate market, long-term investments can lead to significant returns.

Dubai is a city known for its rapid development and global appeal, making Dubai real estate a lucrative asset class. Holding your Blocks allows you to capitalise on the city’s growth, especially as digital real estate investments continue to gain traction.

However, life can be unpredictable, and there might be times when you need to exit real estate investments earlier than expected, or maybe you are satisfied with the returns you have earned. That’s where our exit windows come into play, providing straightforward and transparent exits from your digital real estate investments.

Understanding the PRYPCO Blocks exit windows

When you invest in بريبكو بلوكس:, your investment comes with a 1-year lock-in period. This lock-in period is essential as it allows the property to stabilise and start generating returns. It also ensures that all investors are committed to the property for at least one year, providing a stable base for long-term capital appreciation.

Once the 1-year lock-in period is over, an exit window opens up every six months, offering you the opportunity to sell your Blocks. Here’s how it works:

  • List your Blocks: If you are interested in selling your Blocks of the property you have invested in, you can express your intent during the exit window. This is done through our platform, where you can list the number of Blocks you would like to sell. It is a straightforward process that aligns with the transparency we aim for.
  • Connecting with buyers: If other investors are looking to buy, they can purchase your Blocks during this exit window. This provides a seamless way for you to exit your digital real estate investments without having to wait for a full property sale. This is particularly advantageous in a high-demand market like Dubai’s real estate, where investor interest is often high.
  • Flexible exit opportunities: These exit windows are not a one-time event. The exit windows open every six months, giving you regular opportunities to liquidate your investment if necessary at a price determined by you. This means that even if you miss one window, you will not have to wait too long for the next opportunity to sell your Blocks.

What if the entire property is sold?

In addition to regular exit windows, there may be times when an opportunity arises to sell the entire property. This could happen if the property’s value has increased significantly or if there is an attractive offer from an external buyer. In such cases, all investors involved in that property will have the chance to vote on whether to hold or proceed with the sale.

The voting process is straightforward:

  • Investor voting: Each investor gets one vote for every Block they hold in the property. For example, if you have 30 Blocks of a property, you get 30 votes. This collective decision-making process ensures that all the investors in the property have a say in its future.
  • Property sale: If the majority of the votes are in favour of selling, the property will be sold, and the proceeds will be distributed among the investors based on the investment share after deducting the relevant costs.

Final thoughts

Investing with PRYPCO Blocks is more than just owning Blocks of real estate; it is about having control over your investment journey. With our transparent and flexible exit options where you determine the selling price, you can craft a real estate exit strategy that fits your needs, ensuring that when the time comes to sell, PRYPCO Blocks has you covered.

Whether you are in it for the long haul or need to exit your digital real estate investments, بريبكو بلوكس: offers the flexibility and liquidity to suit your investment needs. Take control of your financial future with PRYPCO Blocks and experience the benefits of digital real estate investments in one of the world’s most exciting markets—Dubai’s real estate.

Note: All investments on PRYPCO Blocks are regulated by the DFSA. The content in the blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice.